May 10, 2004

A Slate look at Jock Blogs

Bryan Curtis has a nice piece on Slate concerning "Jock Blogs". It's well written and hits some obvious sites (Bonds and Cuban mostly), but misses Jody Gerut. While Gerut is on a newspaper site, and he doesn't post all that often, it's still a far more enjoyable read than most dull jockspeak. I can't think of a single reason to miss Athletes Direct.

The article also covers CJ Nitkowski, who for a long time was on my must read list, but he's a lot less fun now that he's really, really Pro-Jesus.

And the less said about Kris and Anna Benson the better. I do have to wonder how much crap Benson has to take from his teammates over his wife.

Posted by Frinklin at May 10, 2004 08:23 PM
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