July 07, 2004

Do the Firemen hate me?

Today was “Boot the Burn” day in San Diego County. It may have been so in other communities, but I don’t know and it’s beside the point. What it means here is that at every major intersection, firefighters are standing out with boots, collecting donations for burn research. Considering my commute is about half surface streets, I encountered no fewer than 827 of them, each with a boot, each looking at me expectantly. Well, I am a good person; I gave at the very first boot I encountered, less than a mile from my house. Still, every other firefighter looked at me, as if sending invisible rays that asked, “Why don’t you give the burn victims? Is it because you’re a greedy fuck, or do you just hate people?”

No, of course I don’t, I just don’t want to donate money to every freaking firefighter in the county! They need to give you a sign the first time you give money, so you can hold it up as you pass others. It should say something like, “I AM NOT A GREEDY FUCK! I DON’T HATE BURN VICTIMS! I ALREADY DONATED!”

Seriously, folks, the suffering of burn victims are nothing to make fun of, and if you see a firefighter holding a boot, put some money in it.

And if ya don’t, you’re a greedy fuck.

Posted by Frinklin at July 7, 2004 06:06 PM

Yes... we hate you

Posted by: C Hoffman at September 21, 2005 10:39 AM
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